
Showing posts from April, 2021

Desert Rose

 A seed which struggles out of its' shell . Into a dry , sandy soil . Which toils in harsh climate and circumstance . Which raises itself above , above the soils' surface . Into the light , the Son . And slowly grows in faith , with each passing , with each sun rise . And finally with The Water of Love , blooms in glory , of colour and fragrance and fertility . This is the work of a Christ believer . To produce . To be abundant . To be fruitful . And to be free . We are the liberators . We are the creation , and the creators . We are the seekers of the Flame , the Light , the Sun . We are the givers , the carers , the Salvation . To serve and not be served . We are the servants of the Most High . Go out and make believers of all nations . For the Gospel of the Eternal Life , the Light of the Son of God , has come .

A teaching of the Luddite church :

Catholicism teaches that ; We cannot help but sin . Every day , every way we sin . It is only through the redemptive power of Gods' grace that we are saved . Just like Jesus , who was a sinless perfect man . He was persecuted and killed . And through the action of the Father , was raised again on the third day . The Luddite Church teaches that ; We do all  we can for the glory of God and God makes our way straight and sinless . Do not worry . Worry not for what you shall eat or wear , or what you shall say . These will be given to you when you need it . Do not worry the fears of tomorrow , for todays' worries are enough for today . Throw off the tattered garments of sorrow , of yesterday , and Live for today . For each day that the Son shines on us again is a new creation . And you are a new creation in Christ . We all know right from wrong . And God knows best the right and He , Only He can make all things right .

Why the feminist movement is destroying women and girls .

This " sexual revolution " movement of the Western democracies since the 1960s is doing a disservice to girls and young women . It promotes promiscuity and attachment - less sex . It says that women should go out and have sex with as many partners as they want . The truth is that in tradition women were valued as the progenitors and carers of children , the next generation . They were the home makers , the home economists and the teachers . Women should value these roles , traditional values and not go out of their way to be psuedo-males or take on male responsibilities . I acknowledge that they are able to do so , it is in their ability . But preference has it that they should not . On a medical note : the contraceptive pill is a very powerful and dangerous medication and should not be taken lightly . Warning label . It may cause abnormal hair / body hair , abnormal fat deposits , unusual growth patterns , poor bone density , ect .

Confession is ...

a truthful recounting of  our weaker moments when we might have not done what we think we should have done . And to Jesus the Hoshanna and honesty of our shame is sufficient For He knows the truth The truth of every moment in our Lives Like water to quench and  nourish , nous to a mouse in the House of God The Temple and Church   For to a mouse in the House of an elephant So are we in the rooms of  Gods' Mansion Scuttling to and thro yet not knowing Until we mice become men again and Live beyond the every day concerns of food and shelter and consider whom provides our closet abode So acknowledge where we are and where we came  from Who made us And grow up in wisdom and Light .